HeroTrucker 2020 – ready, steady, go!
HeroTrucker 2020 - ready, steady, go!
In September 2020, there will be a cycle of first aid trainings organized for professional drivers with the aim of improving their safety at work.
The Truckers Life Foundation invites all professional drivers to take part in free trainings which are to take place on the 5th, 6th, 12th, 13th, 26th and 27th of September in 3 different locations.
- Hotel & Restauracja Picaro MOP Żarska Wieś Południe
- PORT Kopytkowo, Kopytkowo 48, 83-230 Smętowo Graniczne
- Hotel Restauracja TIREST Grębiszew, ul. Kołbielska 32, 05-300 Mińsk Mazowiecki
The trainings program covers all the most important issues related to first aid including:
- Personal safety, safety of witnesses of an event and the injured.
- Assessment of the road accident scene and the condition of the injured.
- Resuscytacja krążeniowo-oddechowa z automatyczną defibrylacją (AED).
- Arrest of bleeding, wound dressing and securing.
- Providing first aid.
- Driver’s indispensable equipment.
Participation in trainings is free of charge, registration required, applications are processed in the order they are received.